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A leap of FAITH to get outta the DITHER zone

By July 16, 2015No Comments

A Leap of Faith to get out of the DITHER zone!

I woke up this morning really not knowing WHAT to share with you on the blog today. I have committed to creating and sharing something with you twice a month, so I reverted to one of my personal transformational tools to help me decided what message I needed to listen to for myself, and share with you.

I burst out laughing when this was what I / we got:


Instantly I had a newsletter!

The summary of this message is: Take a risk and put your heart’s TRUE desire into action. Procrastination about your dreams won’t make them go away! Neither will it make them happen. Indecision is the soul’s burning passion to improve, grow and learn” – D. Virtue

So often clients will come to me wanting support on WHICH decision to make. Now honestly, how many decisions are truly life long ones? Sometimes I think we place too much emphasis on the “RIGHT” decision. Successful souls simply make decisions, move on, and change tack when they need to. They are more inclined to make quick decision, and slower to change them. Could you learn to be a bit more decisive, trust your heart, just say yes OR no, without hesitation?

For those of you that are totally risk averse, give yourself a deadline i.e. “I will investigate and mull and dither until the 31st July” Bottom line is, YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR MIND LATER. Oooh, imagine that! A decision is never right or wrong, it is simply a decision!

Only the decision to have children and getting married (well perhaps even that latter is not even permanent is it?) are decisions for life. Once you have a child you cannot alter that fact. All else however, can be shifted, adjusted, tweaked, improved and totally switched. What freedom of choice.

Do you know how much ENERGY it steals from you to be in the DITHER zone? That energy can be re-directed with purpose and be spent on ACTIVATING your heartfelt choice – starting your business, getting married, moving country, falling pregnant (we know that takes lots of energy hee hee). It can even be the decision on what to wear, which route to take to your destination or starting a hobby. Learn to hone in on your heart and soul and trust yourself – whether it is about your choice of ice cream flavor or your safety when driving home at night and you feel a little weird – go around the block again or call someone to see you in the gate.

YOUR LEAP OF FAITH can be about the small decisions you make daily as well as the bigger ones you are being urged to press PLAY on.

So, what are the things you are shying away from? What does YOUR HEART truly desire right now? If you feel stuck, get support, a team, a mastermind group, counseling or a kick up the proverbial to realize your life is dashing past you– who cares how much help you need to surround yourself with as you flex your faith muscles.

The moment you make a decision, the magic will start happening. I teach about making space in your life, then letting everything flood in to greet you. The moment you make space by making one decision, you are instantly culling all the others, like pruning a tree. Now you are able to accept ideas, advise, thoughts, dreams, serendipitous acts to help you on your way. The place of indecision, believing you cannot make your dreams come true, is a place of dithering death.


What is the worst that can happen? You might trip and fall flat on your face, it might fail, you might hate what is it you have decided about. So what? At least now you know and can re-group and re-decide.


BE bold, LEAP NOW and come and share with me on Facebook what you are ACTIVATING and no longer DITHERING on!


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