Imagine as the end of 2024 looms, you made a strategic and heartfelt decision to honor your year gone by?
You booked a spot for Kate’s Unique Virtual Retreat to intentionally hold yourself. 

The thought of traveling over this crazy period to retreat with a bunch of other strangers did not appeal to you in any way, and you didn’t know a Virtual Retreat like this was possible. Kate’s retreat @ home (or somewhere special of YOUR choosing!) is your fabulous solution. Oh yes, that’s a clever decision you made!

Provided you can carve out about four hours a day from 29th December – 1st Jan, then this retreat will make you feel proud and peaceful about your year gone by, and full of anticipation for what is to come in 2025! You honestly don’t have to be navel-gazing all day every day as Kate has designed this retreat to fit into your New Year in a clever, thoughtful and easy-to-assimilate way. Read what others say about it below, and watch some videos they sent to inspire you to say yes.

How does it practically unfold?
After you booked your place you received a beautiful box couriered to your door with strict instructions NOT to open it until you kick off your Personal Retreat.

It is going to be hard to keep your ‘paws’ off your beautiful box ….and then feeling like an excited kid on your birthday, you FINALLY get to peek inside and break open the special wax seal to reveal your treasure trove guide booklet – all bespoke made by Kate on Iona, the remote Hebridean island where she lives!

Oh, the sweet delight and curiosity of contemplating how the next 4 days will unfold. Your heart knows it’s going to be a memorable and unique way to close 2024!

Your bespoke retreat box is literally your treasure trove guiding you step-by-step along each of the days.
There are 2 practical exercises per day with beautiful, easy-to-understand accompanying voice notes.
Kate’s soothing and inspirational voice (WHAT OTHERS SAY!) guides your inner retreat process with wisdom and energy. Each day is a delight for the inner and outer senses. 

Prepared to be so thrilled that you decided to gift yourself this retreat!

Your retreat is wrapped up altogether with Kate’s Whatsapp support at certain hours during each day to cover ALL time zones! She is just a message or voice note away!


You will have never done anything quite like this Virtual Retreat before, but it’s all felt like perfect timing.

Right reason, right time and with just the right amount of Kate on hand as needed.

As you break the wax seal and dive into your first treasure, you intuitively know the next four days will be marked with purpose, meaning and ritual. You take a deep breath, make some coffee and relax into the first exercise Kate has designed, as you open your first voice-note instruction and dive deep within.

You know you are in brilliant hands with a kind and supportive professional, because you read all the reviews below of folk who have trusted going on retreat with Kate before you …..and you felt it was “perfect” for you this year. You just loved the idea of being able to work from home with your very special “treasure trove” booklet.

And gosh, it’s been quite a grueling year, to put it mildly, with many curveballs, stresses, demands, much loss on all levels and relentless decisions you’ve had to navigate. This retreat feels like a much-needed hug at the end of a complicated year.

You seriously thought about canceling New Year and just staying home in your PJ’s with copious wine and endless Netflix on repeat, but now feel so proud for having given yourself this special way to honor and mark the end of 2023.

You feel totally seen, valued and held – the good, bad and ugly. You know you are going to be able to enjoy the last few days of the year, ready to greet the dawn on the 1st of January having been introspective, mindful and found some peace within yourself.

You are taking a stand for your self-worth and holding your head high to take care of yourself.




A way to pause and go within – to really honor yourself

Support @ home – with Kate’s special bespoke Limited Edition Treasure Trove booklet!

A special way to mark New Year with meaning and purpose

Not feeling left out and lonely as you navigate the holidays

Not dreading social events being asked…”so what are you up to this New Year”.

You know EXACTLY what you are up to as you have a precious date with yourself!

Looking forward to feeling proud that you are taking some sacred time out with yourself

Feel loved, supported and expertly guided by Kate, from ANYWHERE in the world



* Have recent events revealed a massive crossroads for you?

* Have you plonked yourself at the very bottom of your own pile recently?

* Do you feel like you want to be mindful and take time out but had no idea how to do it?

* Has work &  life been relentless without a moment to pause & reflect?

* Are you just dreading New Year?

* Are you navigating a challenging time and wish to find a graceful way forward?

* Been retrenched, retired, sold your business or moved countries, etc?

* Recently gone through a divorce or break-up wondering how to fly solo at this wretched time?

* Kids flown the nest and feeling at a loose end?

* Grappling with heartache, loss and grieving and want to hide away?

* Suffering with your health and looking for a different way to take care of yourself?

* Has everyone else you know got plans and you were going to be dating Nextflix?



💙1:1 WHATSAPP Support with Kate from anywhere in the world only over the 29th dec – 1st Jan
10.00-11.00 am and
4.00-5.00 pm GMT daily to cover all time zones!

💙Bespoke Limited Edition Treasure Trove Booklet couriered to your door GLOBALLY  + extra surprises inside.
Oooh la la this is totally unique and filled with love.

💙A bespoke approach combining carefully crafted audio prompts to accompany beautiful visual tools

💙 2 unique exercises to explore from your treasure booklet daily

💙 Clear voice-noted instructions to move step-by-step through your daily process

💙Feel loved, supported and expertly guided by Kate, from ANYWHERE in the world

💙All the benefits of a retreat without having to leave home!

💙Your Retreat includes Kate being available every AM and PM for WhatsApp support as needed (29th dec -1st Jan)


JO MARSH: TRANSFORMATIONAL SPECIALIST – I’ve just completed a four-day reset and restore retreat with Kate Emmerson.  I work in a similar realm to Kate, that of growing and empowering people through coaching, facilitation, etc. So it’s not easy to find someone who has got something different that really will make the difference — because although we are aware of the skills and the tools in the realm that we facilitate in, you still can’t do it for yourself. But who’s going to be the person who’s going to walk with you on that road that is the right fit, the right person with the right heart and the right spirit to match you where you are at? And Kate is beyond words. When I became aware of a DIY retreat, I could never have imagined what it was in terms of the depth and thoughtfulness and the thought-provoking activities that you are given to do on your own without facilitationShe has got a magical formula that has really taken me by surprise!

And it has taken me to a place of restoration and got me back to me in a way that I could never have imagined. From the beginning of the process to the end, Kate has really thought it through in micro detail from the beautiful package (Treasure Trove) she posted me, to the subtle and profound process she led me through.  From where I was, which was below zero empty to get me back to me, took a short four days of intense, meaningful, inspiring, thought-provoking activities to help reset me, with Kate in the wings.  Done in my own home environment at a schedule set by me within the structure of her design and Kate was there, every step of the way…. I am not going to say too much more than that, but I hope this entices you to be curious enough for yourself to contact Kate, to take yourself on this journey and gift yourself with an opportunity to get back to yourself with this incredible, incredible, incredible soul, woman and professional.  I am so blessed, so blessed beyond words to not only have had this experience but particularly to have been guided by Kate in her very “special” way.

PAUL MARSH – overlanding 4×4 specialist – I wanted to share with you my journey through my retreat with Kate. It was something I didn’t think I needed to start off with, and I watched Jo, my wife, embark on a journey and do the retreat four days of absolute discipline where you clear your diary, no distractions, and wondered …how was this gonna work for me? And the beauty for me was that we both did it at home. So it wasn’t about going to retreat somewhere, a venue and then coming back home and having to try and reintegrate our retreat with what our home life is. It was about us embarking on this journey in our home and having your partner or your family support you. And I loved this process. It meant that I felt comfortable at home. I had what I needed around me. There was no stress, it wasn’t difficult to do.

The retreat work was challenging and the processes were incredible in what we embarked on. How I impact certain things in my life really led and guided by Kate. The beauty of this whole retreat is that I took the responsibility and had Kate to guide me and support me in the processes she’d laid out. And I think that’s what life’s really about. It’s about taking responsibility. Where do we take responsibility for our lives and where do we disempower ourselves by allowing other people to take that responsibility? So making this retreat a priority was one of the best things I’ve done. It gave me a reset. Imagine taking your laptop and defragging the hard drive and everything seems to work much better. Your clarity, your thought process, your ideas, your focus is probably something that really meant a lot to me because I felt I was much clearer in my focus, where I’m going and what I want to do.

Taking that block out and actually allowing myself to give me that gift of me time. And that’s something that I’ve now entrenched in my life with Jo. To give ourselves me time. We give ourselves we time, and then we have us time with friends and family. And without me time, there’s no we time. And you know, I mean that in quite a sincere way. If I’m not giving to me, I don’t have any capacity to give to Jo. And I think that’s made a massive impact on how we live our lives, how we balance our time and energy with everything we give away. This has been something that the retreat has helped me focus much more clearly on. So I wanna support you. …If you’ve never done something like this, take the opportunity. Go and explore what it could be like to give yourself a gift in your own home and have the support of your family around you. So that this is something that you can live on and be held accountable by those who love you around you. So have fun, enjoy it. It’s a great, great journey. Kate is a lot of fun. She’s incredibly talented in how she puts the whole package together and I had a lot of great conversations and chats in the time that we connected. So thank you Kate.

Virtual Birthday Retreat Dec 22 “Our Queen of Retreats Founder Caroline Sylger Jones has just completed a wonderful, private, virtual retreat guided by brilliant coach@kateemmerson_retreats over her birthday. Using visual and voice prompts beautifully created by Kate, each morning and afternoon over four days, Caroline looked back over the last 12 months, took stock, paused, and set her intentions for the next 12 months.

She absolutely loved it 💚 and would thoroughly recommend it…If you want to gift yourself or a friend this experience then, pause and honour yourself with Kate Emmerson’s Virtual Retreat”


Iole Matthews – Head of Coaching & Consulting at Bright Horizons, London – NEW YEAR ’22:
Kate’s virtual retreat was a brilliant opportunity to gain so many of the benefits of a retreat but at home  – perfect for carving out time when you cannot manage the luxury of travel and days away. The beautiful hand-crafted material shared, shaped each day around cleverly crafted exercises, and with Kate just a message or call away each morning and afternoon, it was clear I was being held in the hands of an expert facilitator. Over four days I was able to reflect, review and re-align so that I emerged feeling much more centred and confident. I would definitely recommend this to anyone wanting to find some structured and supported thinking time when an onsite retreat is not possible.  I have continued to use the booklets and box for a daily touchstone practice.
As with all of Kate’s experiences, this is transformative.


Peet van Jaarsveld – CEO Blue Future, South Africa- NEW YEAR ’22:
I found the retreat most useful and amazing. Whereas I am typically good at setting goals and making resolutions, I often ignore deliberate reflection on the previous year. I discovered there is a lot to gain from doing this with some focus. I was surprised that despite a feeling of having “survived” the previous year, how much I actually accomplished, and that assisted me with prioritizing the areas for goal setting for the coming year as well as taking some recognition for progress and accomplishments. I was surprised by what progress I actually made and the positioning I have achieved for the New Year which made goal setting so much more fun and effective.

The retreat modules were lovely, nicely designed and prompted reflecting and pondering with the heart, rather than just flying with the pen and writing and overthinking. I also think that the retreat material being in hard copy paper  (classy paper) and pen gets you away from being connected online like many apps force one to be. I mean we had fire, paper, ribbons, voice notes, postcards, envelopes and classic folders in our set.

The facets the retreat covered included reflecting on “ushers” that helped us in the previous year, also made sure that one thinks about other people and not just your solo journey. I would highly recommend that you start the next calendar year or next birth year with a program like this and with Kate by your side.


Evert and Caroline, Netherlands – NEW YEAR 22/23:
It was very powerful to dive into this retreat together. We enjoyed four days of reconnecting with ourselves and each other on a level we did not foresee. We still talk about the insights the exercises gave us, and we feel that we are equipped with the energy and strength to continue on the positive path we laid out. The booklet and visual tools added depth to the exercises. They gave something tangible to hold on to, to write on, and to inspire us in thoughts and action. We don’t think we would have gotten as much out of the retreat without the booklet. As a bonus, the content was crafted with great care and creativity, so we also enjoyed the unwrapping of each day.


Karen Daniels – Leadership coach and executive search consultant, Netherlands ’23
 I booked a 4 day one-to-one retreat with Kate, and it was really an amazing experience giving me time to pause, immerse &  reconnect. It really helped me to strategically clear my path and make sure I’m focusing on the right things for the last three months of this year, and really closing it out strong. Setting clear intentions of exactly what it is that I still need to tick off my list, that I still want to do, and that I want to put in place so start 2024 with a bang and hit the ground running. For me, these next three months is critical. Firstly, I want to end my year well and also to make sure that I’m setting the foundation to start my new year on a good note.
It was a wonderful experience. Kate is really amazing. She walks with you through the entire virtual process. It was the first time that I’d ever done a virtual retreat, but it was a fantastic experience. I received a wonderful little package from Kate that contains everything you need that takes you through the four days, and Kate makes these amazing little pouches filled with wonderful handmade treasures that guide and help you through the entire retreat. It comes in a very exciting box, and we’re not to open it until the first day of the retreat. So if you receive your box early, then it’s really quite suspenseful to just actually look at this box every day and just wanting to open it. So it was a wonderful experience. It was fun as well as quite an emotional journey as well. When you reflect on the year that’s gone and when you really assess your accomplishments and also come to the realisation that to move forward in certain things that you want to, sometimes you’ve got to let other things go. So for me, it was a wonderful opportunity to reset, refocus, remotivate and inspire myself. Thank you, Kate. It was a great journey and I strongly recommend it.



4-day NEW YEAR Virtual Retreat + bespoke LIMITED EDITION guide couriered image

You want to immerse in inner meaning and purpose over New Year



You desire a flexible retreat while being VIRTUAL

You want to end 2023 feeling proud no matter what you’ve faced

You love the idea of opening your LIMITED EDITION ‘advent calendar” on Day 1

You adore being surprised and thrilled and long for some delight in your life

You can carve out 4 hours a day – or immerse completely for the 4 days

You want to stay at home and feel loved and supported to end the year on a high

You are traveling but know you can fit in  daily #MeTime in your holiday plans

You want to feel excited about greeting the whole New Year period rather than dreading it




You want group interaction and sessions over endless zoom #NoThanks

You want 1:1 sessions with Kate book this  VIP RETREAT HERE 

You are looking for a one-size-fits-all approach

You need to know everything included in your couriered gift before it arrives

You have to know all the processes ahead of time

Sorry then this VIRTUAL RETREAT is just NOT for you, and there is something else out there better suited for you.


Kate is highly skilled and much loved for running both face-to-face and Virtual retreats with insight, kindness, compassion and oomph! She is the owner of Kate Emmerson Retreats Ltd, a coach and mentor who travels the world running transformational retreats. She is based on the small Inner Hebridean island of IONA, West Scotland, where she cold water swims and hosts her signature retreat titled “Cutting the Threads that Bind” twice a year. She is a multi-published author and has spoken on stages around the world. She is known for being compassionate with a bit of a kick….and will help you find your light again! She loves honoring life with heartfelt processes – New Year and birthdays being her favorite times for personal reflection.

Her motto is LIVE LIGHT LIVE LARGE! By combining her love of bookbinding, inkery and threading alongside holding you in a container of loving support – you are in for a purposeful retreat that you will remember for life! Your Virtual Retreat will be accompanied by a LIMITED EDITION lovingly hand-created companion guide – think of it like a personal treasure trove to lead you step-by-step through your retreat.

Here’s to a mindful way to end 2023 and greet 2024 with fresh eyes and an open heart.