I am very excited to offer some new Adventure Retreats from 2025. A culmination of everything dear to my heart, skills and passion in life.

Passion with Purpose
Travel with Meaning
Intentional Fun

I have just released the first in a series, and we are headed to VIA FRANCIGENA – Exploring the Italian Camino through Walking, Food and Art. 
6 places were snapped up within 48 hours, so be sure to jump on this trip if it calls to your heart as this is guaranteed to sell out pretty soon!
All the information you might possibly need to make your decision  is HERE

I also have a special VIP ACCESS WAITING LIST to be first in line when new retreats are launched.
You can get on that list HERE 

Greetings from Iona –  my sacred home since 2021

I imagine you too are on your own intense journey of navigating crossroads looming up ahead, undergoing current transitions or needing to ‘step out’ in a bigger way? Sound like you?
Welcome to my world!

I am currently based between the small sacred ISLE of IONA, in the Inner Hebrides and Edinburgh, Scotland. I have called the island “home” for 3 years, which makes me a total newbie to Iona to be honest! It is also my first home base after living #LocationFree around the world for 6 years. Yes, I mean literally living out of a suitcase traveling and working globally. I published my 5th book all about that incredible journey.

I have also been navigating HUGE crossroads and a mammoth re-jig of life, love, business, and my country of residence before choosing the Isle of Iona as my current home base. Most of my clients are women in the same boat. Re-jigging and needing some vital support at these crossroads and help to make great decisions for the next chapter and big leap.

I took some much-needed time off back in 2020 /21 when I was in a place of both BURN-OUT and BOREDOM- a bizarre combination to be sure. This resulted from being way too overworked and lacking purpose for my next chapter. I had a fabulous business and author/speaker brand I had absolutely loved for 17 years. Truly loved. Yet suddenly things were rapidly changing for me on all levels.

I needed some #MeTime, to really slow down and tune into what was going on inside my heart. I embarked on an intentional pilgrimage (aka personal retreat) to Iona, a remote western Scottish Isle. I had worked there over 20 years ago, and it was whispering my name to call me back to its rocky shores. I answered the call, and in July 2020 as soon as the first global lockdown lifted, I  journeyed there to pause, reflect deeply, and greet my real self again. I  tapped into all the processes I do with my clients.

I needed to close out, honor, and release the past, in order to truly bring all of myself into the present and feel proud of my life and my work. And from that place of stillness, I have been able to recreate a relevant, up-to-date version of myself and my life’s work again.
I now focus all my love and energy on hosting Retreats in gorgeous destinations – working with groups, private 1:1, and virtual!

I love experiencing the sparkle of possibility that exists in that small gap between

You can read all about my powerful retreat time on Iona here to get a sense of the depth of work I do and what exactly I processed on this minute Sacred Isle of Iona. I deeply respect the power that emerges from letting go: whether in the physical, body, emotional, mental or spiritual realms. The profound ritual of letting go and actively embracing closure creates the next step – the intense and real space – what I call The Gap. That gap exists for a reason, as it’s a vital pause before you can decide what to ‘call into’ your life next.

My experience, both professionally, in business and simply in the way I have embraced this journey called life, might just be the tonic, support and compassionate nudge you need at this time in your life.

I support you on the threshold of making courageous leaps

My clients are usually in what I call a mid-life phase. Wanting more! Questioning everything. Ready to leap and leverage into something bigger and bolder

It’s a magnificent milestone to reach in our journey. I am called to help you face and embrace your life, challenges, and dilemmas and activate your dreams to create the next chapter in your life with purpose.

I can support you in finding a sense of inner pride again.
Self-love and real Self-care.
For you to expend energy in the right places for the right reasons.
To get closure, pause, and then re-dream your future.

I help you to be bold and brave and say YES to the right things.
To cross those pivotal thresholds and take that leap.
That may mean closing out and completing various things for you – walking away from a partner, selling your business, leaving a country, facing retrenchment, selling a home, saying no, putting up boundaries – or any other manner of things that involve change, moving on, or a massive upheaval and rift in identity.

It is also about finding your way to sit in the sticky middle, that GAP, the unknown.
Doing it mindfully and intentionally.

That potentially dreadful and uncomfortable place we do not usually find easy to sit with.
We want to chase after the hints of excitement floating about the periphery rather than SIT still and reflect.

The next chapter can genuinely only be created from a place of space and it usually involves getting stuck into what matters:
Finally writing your book or blog
Starting that business
Taking that world trip
Leaving that toxic relationship
Daring to go 10X in your life and business
Buying that home and changing your lifestyle
Do what I did for 6 years and live #LocationFree globally.
Speaking on stage, launch that course, start your family, finally stand up for yourself, accept that invitation to the dinner party upstairs, become that artist that resides in your heart or going on that date 🙂

To just live your life feeling proud from the inside out – a feeling that NO-ONE can take away from you
With a sense of purpose.

Step into your power & shine your light.

You might be drawn to work with me if you are: 

*  At a huge crossroads or milestone in your life
*  What used to work no longer does, but you’re not yet sure what is next
*  Needing to take some TIME OUT and find a way to listen to your heart again?
*  Wish to honor the call deep inside you
*  Yearning to take time out with support

I am increasingly fascinated with the power of creating shifts through the counter-intuitive idea of slowing down, detoxing (both body and tech) and pressing PAUSE to PONDER what truly matters. Then from that place of mindful stillness, you can weave your way back into your life and activate your dreams.

If you are still reading, then chances are you are 45-65, a little bored and listless and KNOW in your heart there is more to life. But perhaps you are also too stuck, scared, or exhausted to do anything about it.

Maybe it’s all feeling a bit BLEH and overwhelming to be honest.

Let’s connect – a first step is to get on my INSIDER MUSINGS  CLICK HERE 

I currently offer the following:
New Adventure Retreats
VIP private retreats on Iona
1:1 Coaching and Mentoring

Click Here - To discover more

10 Lessons for Living #LocationFree

Do you wish you had the courage to follow your dream, to quench your wanderlust? To downsize, pack light and explore the world while still working? Do you honestly think others are able do it because they’re younger, richer, are single and have fewer responsibilities, with no kids to tag along? Wrong. That’s simply not true. This book will show you that it’s possible no matter what your age! Do you really want to play it safe?  ISBN:978-0-620-90868-9


Write Your Book in 100 Days

Tired of putting “Write a Book” on your to-do list? Need someone to kick-start you into finally writing it and guide you through the entire process, step by step? Then this is for you. Whether you’re a rookie or experienced writer, a storyteller, influencer, company leader, speaker, expert with insight to share or just someone who loves putting words on paper, Write Your Book in 100 Days is going to show you how to write your story, so others want to read it. Specifically for non-fiction /memir writers, but novellists will get plenty of useful tips too! ISBN: 978-0-620-85144-2



The Power of Closure, Clarity and Clearing to Shift Your Heart and Sell Your Home. FAST!

About to SELL YOUR HOME? Or battling to sell it? Or dreading show days? This book is a game-changer to help you & your realtor get speedy results. No matter the current climate. If you’re about to put your home up for sale OR it’s been stuck for too many ‘Days On Market’ (DOM), help is now here. Whether you’re selling WILLINGLY (upsize, downsize, life-size) or being FORCED to sell due to external circumstances (Covid pressure, death, divorce, relocation, illness, financial), this practical guide offers a unique approach.  Align heart & home to ensure you’re ready to accept your first “Offer to Purchase”. Avoid SABOTAGING the effortless sale of your home.



Kate’s 2nd book (Metz Press) is a purposeful yet practical journey to help you summon your “glitch” out of hiding.  An honest process to Step IN, Step UP, Step OUT. It is filled with snippets of her own life story and interwoven with success stories from brave clients who faced their GLITCH. You will be DOING this book rather than simply reading it. Also translated into Afrikaans – LAAT LOS JOU LAS



Kate’s bestseller (Metz Press) has transformed homes, lives and businesses around the world as she inspires you LET GO, which emanates from her motto of LIVE LIGHT, LIVE LARGE. It is a very practical, no-nonsense book that teaches you the WHY and the HOW of ridding yourself of emotional, physical and body clutter. Her step-by-step process ensures your success, no matter how many times you have tried to get organised and streamlined before. Also translated into Afrikaans – RUIM JOU ROMMEL OP




March 28, 2023 in Uncategorized

Do you ask for a sign you are on the right QUEST?

Hello Kate and welcome to March.Can you feel the shift of seasons all around you?While you may be grappling with some personal things in your life now (and the world…
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March 28, 2023 in Uncategorized

Can you wish upon a star?

Can you also wish upon a star Kate? Earlier this month I was having tea with someone on Iona who mentioned they see shooting stars all the time. Often. Regularly. Short…
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October 31, 2022 in Uncategorized


Harp-gasmed!!! 😃 😃 😃 brilliant read as usual. DALemon-drizzle shizzle baby. DW *********************************************Where oh where does this daft saying come from? It was just two weeks ago and I was all prepped and ready…
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